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94 items found for "soup"

  • Zucchini and Dino Kale Soup

    BT's Zucchini and Dino Kale Soup Ingredients: 1 large leek 2 ribs celery 2 1/2 pounds ( ~1 kg) any type to boil and immediately turn to flame to low Simmer covered for 20 minutes Remove bay leaves Purée soup בתיאבון #soup #kale #vegetarian #vegan #healthy #herbs #green #leek #zucchini

  • Butternut Squash and Celery Soup

    This soup turned out to be a bit of a surprise. I expected the soup to be quite thin and in need of the some TLC, but because of the double shot of BT's Spicy Butternut Squash and Celery Soup Ingredients: For Soup: 1 small butternut squash 1 small pumpkin Israeli cucumber, Persian cucumber, Japanese cucumber) 1 tablespoon fruity olive oil Directions: For Soup בתיאבון #vegan #vegetarian #squash #butternutsquash #soup #spicy

  • White and Yellow Soup

    I imagined the soup would be quite white in color but it turned out to be a beautiful lemon yellow with BT's White and Yellow Soup Ingredients: For soup: 2 white acorn squash 3 yellow-green zucchini 1 large Reduce heat to low and cook for 20 minutes Remove peel and seeds from roasted squash Add squash to soup Cook 5 minutes Remove from heat Purée soup with a wand blender Add vegetable oil to shallow pan and בתיאבון #zucchini #vegan #soup #pumpkinseed #pepitas #squash #soup

  • Green Soup Number Two

    Soup number two in the green series aka "use all the leftovers in the fridge". BT's Green Soup Number Two Ingredients: For Soup: 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 2 medium onions 1 rib of mint 10 chives 1 small bunch dill 3 tablespoons fruity olive oil zest of one lemon Directions: For Soup with wand blender Add lemon juice Taste for salt and pepper Leave soup to rest for 30 minutes For Herb בתיאבון #vegan #vegetarian #leftovers #soup #greens #vegetables

  • Spring Soup for Passover

    BT's Spring Soup for Passover Ingredients: 1 extra large leek 1 dark green zucchini 1 jalapeño chili minutes to burn off alcohol Add 3 grinds black pepper Add water Add peas Turn heat up to high and bring soup Simmer for 20 minutes When soup is cooked, remove from stove and let cool. When cool use a wand blender and purée Add 3 more grinds of black pepper Serve soup with chopped red בתיאבון #pesach #soup #peas #kale

  • Carrot and Chickpea Soup

    Thought I would use them in a soup as a thickener instead of potato. BT's Carrot and Chickpea Soup Ingredients: 3 small leeks 6 large carrots 1 cup cooked chickpeas 1 tablespoon Cover and reduce the heat to low Cook for 20 minute Remove from heat Remove bay leaf and discard Purée soup Wash herbs and add to soup Purée for 30 seconds Add lemon juice Taste for salt Enjoy! בתיאבון #chickpea #soup #vegetarian

  • Green Soup Number One

    In winter, the soup most commonly served in Israel, is מרק כתום (Orange Soup). amazing vegetables and it still a mystery to me, why these vegetables are used in stews but rarely in soups In fairness, I have my own version of Orange Soup - מרק ירוק (Green Soup). BT's Green Soup Number One Ingredients: 1 large leek 3 ribs of celery with leaves 3 medium zucchini 1 בתיאבון #vegetarian #vegan #vegetables #soup #green #leftovers

  • Super Easy Vegetable Soup

    BT's Super Easy Vegetable Soup (shown with labne and fresh cucumber garnish) Ingredients: 1 large leek pot Add beet and sugar Cover and simmer for 15 minutes Chop dill and cilantro very fine, and add to soup בתיאבון #vegan #vegetarian #soup #lightmeal #easymeal #beet #vegtable

  • Cauliflower, Fennel and Apple Soup

    something warm and satisfying and when I saw that beautiful white head, I knew I should make a stew or a soup But today I wasn't feeling the curry vibe, so soup it became. BT's Creamy Cauliflower, Fennel and Apple Soup Ingredients: 1 large head of cauliflower - cleaned and Purée soup with wand blender - do not over process Add cream (if using) Add lemon juice Taste for salt בתיאבון #vegetarian #soup #cauliflower #hearty #wintermeal #creamy

  • Japanese Sweet Potato and Pumpkin Soup

    I use dal'at or pumpkin as an orange backdrop to many soups. I intended to make a carrot or yam soup but when I looked in the fridge I didn't find any yams and not BT's Japanese Sweet Potato and Pumpkin Soup Ingredients: ~2 pounds (1 kilo) dal'at (pumpkin) 1 large to boil and immediately reduce flame to low Simmer on low for 20 minutes Let cool 5 minutes Purée soup בתיאבון #vegetarian #vegan #soup #pumpkin #sweetpotato #satifying

  • Celery and Celeriac Soup

    BT's Celery and Celeriac Soup Ingredients: 1 small leek 1 medium yellow onion 4 heads celeriac (celery cubes and add to pot Bring heat back up to medium Peel potato or artichoke, cube and add to pot When soup ribs Dice the celery ribs into small pieces and reserve Remove pot from heat and let cool down When soup is no longer hot purée soup until it is smooth Add lemon juice Add cream if desired Leave soup to continue בתיאבון #soup #celeriac #celery #vegetarian

  • Split Pea Soup

    One of the easiest and tastiest soups ever BT's Vegetarian Split Pea Soup Ingredients: 1 pound (450 grams After 20 minutes turn off heat and let pressure cooker cool down When pressure is released open lid The soup will be watery on top Remove bay leaves Gently stir soup to mix peas thoroughly Taste for salt and pepper servings are thicker and go very well with cottage cheese and yellow mustard - unusual but very yummy #soup

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