I love summer food. Cold yogurt soup, salad, sangria, grilled everything. But even though it is very hot, at least once a week I have a craving for pasta. I always feel satisfied. This is my take on a classic dish that calls for pork sausage and rapini. I like a little spice in my dishes so merguez came to mind.

BT's Orecchiette With Merguez, Tomato and Broccoli
2/3 pound (250 grams) orecchiette pasta
1 large raw merguez sausage in casing
4 cloves garlic
4 tablespoons fruity olive oil
1 large stalk broccoli or 6 small stalks of rapini
15 cherry tomatoes
1/4 teaspoon oregano
1 small bunch parsley
3 tablespoons breadcrumbs
1/2 cup (~50 grams) grated parmesan
1 teaspoon kosher salt
pinch of sugar
1/2 cup (120 ml) white wine
ground black pepper
1/2 lemon - zest and juice
Add 1 tablespoon olive oil to frying pan and turn flame to medium high
Slice merguez sausage in coins, leaving casing on
Add sausage to pan when oil is hot
Fry 1 minute on each side
Remove sausage and reserve
Reduce flame to medium
Rough chop broccoli/rapini
Add to pan
Sauté until vegetable is bright green
Slice tomatoes in half and add to pan
Sauté 2 minutes more
Add 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt and oregano
Sauté 2 more minutes
Turn flame to medium high
Add wine and sugar and cook 1 more minute
Remove pan from heat
Add reserved sausage
Cover and reserve
Prepare pasta according to package
Chop parsley
Add parsley and parmesan to breadcrumbs
Drain pasta and combine with reserved ingredients in pan
Sprinkle pasta with half the breadcrumb mixture
Toss and add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and lemon juice
Add remaining breadcrumbs
Dress dish with remaining olive oil and lemon zest
Enjoy! !בתיאבון
And to think you once had a thing against Broccoli. Looks so good!