Salat Hatzutz (Israeli chopped salad) is served for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It accompanies an omelet at brunch and is stuffed inside a pita with falafel. The salad is more a condiment than a dish. However, when salat hatzutz is served with tahina and bread it can be very satisfying indeed.

BT's Salat and Green Tahina
4 small Israeli cucumbers
1 small yellow onion
1 pepper
handful of cherry tomatoes
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Chop all vegetables in small pieces
Dress with olive oil and lemon juice - no salt needed
3 tablespoons tahina (sesame) paste
3 cloves garlic
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup (125 ml) water
1 small bunch cilantro
1 small bunch parsley
2 tablespoons fresh dill
2 lemons
Add garlic and salt and a drop of water to food processor or blender
Process until garlic is broken down
Add tahina paste and rest of water
Process for 90 seconds
Wash herbs
Rough chop and add to processor
Process for 90 seconds
Tahina should be light green with suspended herb pieces
Add juice of half and lemon
Continue adding lemon juice until there is a balance among lemon, sesame and garlic
Two ways to serve:
Use directly
Strain out herbs before serving
Enjoy! !בתיאבון
