Romanian eggplant salad is an appetizer that was quite popular when I was young. My aunt used to make this as her contribution to our holiday meals. The salad is really a dip and sits nicely beside chopped liver on the "Befores" or "Forespeisen" table.
Many dishes from my childhood had names like "Austrian ...." or "German ...". I have no knowledge whether these names really originated in the countries for which they were named or it was all fanciful. In any case, I am grateful to the women who passed these recipes on to their daughters (and now their sons). It is very mild and a nice vegan dish to add to any meal.

BT's Take On Romanian Eggplant
1 medium sized eggplant
1 small, very ripe tomato
2 green onions
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 small red or green pepper
1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
4 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
1 teaspoon chopped dill
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
grated black pepper
Turn oven to 425 F. (215 C.)
Wash eggplant and score skin
Wrap in aluminum foil and bake for 20 minutes
Remove from oven and let cool
Slice eggplant lengthwise in half and scoop out flesh
Discard peel
Score the top of tomato in a cross pattern
Drop tomato in boiling water and cook for 1 minute
Remove tomato and place in ice water
Remove peel from tomato
Fine chop or grate tomato and add to bowl
Fine chop onion and add to bowl
Add salt, sugar and garlic and mix well
Add lemon juice and olive oil
Put eggplant in a plastic bag and pound the contents until the fibers break down
Add pulverized eggplant to bowl with other ingredients
Dice pepper and chop herbs and add to boil
Refrigerate for at least 2 hours
Serve at room temperature
Enjoy! !בתיאבון