Happy Hag Aviv (aka Passover/Spring Holiday). Yummy soup to break up the days of matzoh. No dairy, no hometz (leavened bread), and vegan.

BT's Roasted Carrot and Squash Soup With Coconut Cream and Lime
1 pound (500 grams) carrots - any variety or color
1 large acorn squash
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon ghee or vegetable oil
1 medium leek
1 teaspoon harissa
1/2 finger length of fresh grated ginger
1/2 teaspoon ginger syrup (optional)
1 tablespoon honey (can use silan or jaggery)
1 small bunch fresh lovage (can use celery leaves or parsley)
1 small potato
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
sprinkle of peperoncino flakes
1 tablespoon Arak - anisette (optional)
4 sprigs fresh thyme
6 cups (1.5 l) filtered water
3 tablespoon coconut cream
1 lime - juiced
fresh cilantro
1 jalapeño chili
Turn oven to 375 F. (190 C.)
Peel carrots and place in baking dish
Cover surface of carrots with olive oil, peperoncino flakes and a sprinkle of salt
Prick skin of acorn squash several times and place in second baking dish
Roast vegetables in oven for 1 hour, remove and let cool
Rough chop leek
Add ghee to heavy gauge cocotte and place on medium low flame
Add harissa and grated ginger, leek and lovage and sauté for 2 minutes
Rough chop roasted carrots and add and any oil in roasting dish, to pot
Add salt, cloves and nutmeg and continue sautéing for 2 more minutes
Add honey and Arak and turn flame to low
Add water
Peel outer skin from squash and add meat to pot
Peel potato, chop and add to pot
Turn flame up to medium
Lay fresh thyme on surface of soup
Bring soup to boil
Reduce flame to low and let soup simmer for 20 minutes
Remove thyme stocks
Purée the soup with a wand blender
Add coconut cream and lime
Serve hot with chopped cilantro, jalapeño and extra lime
Enjoy! !בתיאבון
