I first tasted this delight on the kibbutz many years ago. It was summer and very hot and there was no air conditioning. But front and center on every table in the Hadar Ohel (communal dining room) was a stainless steel bowl with cold fruit soup. I was very hesitant at first to try it. It looked like compote - which I guess it is - but it didn't taste like the warm variety. It was cold and refreshing and everyone drank it in a glass.
Best made with sour fruit so that the juice is sweet but not too sweet.

BT's Fruit Soup
2 sour plums
1 nectarine
handful of berries - any sort
1/2 cup (120 grams) sugar
pinch of salt
fresh mint
splash of Eau de Vie (optional)
1 cup (240 ml) cold water or ice cube equivalent
Wash fruit thoroughly
Quarter plums and nectarines
Add all fruit to saucepan
Add sugar and just enough water to cover fruit
Turn heat on to medium low and let water come to boil slowly
Add salt
Add Eau de Vie if using
When fruit just begin to break down, remove from heat and immediately add cold water
Add mint leaves
Serve ice cold
Enjoy! !בתיאבון
