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Most days I want to eat a meal with a spoon - usually soup, sometimes stew. And occasionally dessert. Low food to high food, or vice versa, depending on your tastes.
I use spoons tens of times a day. They come in all shapes and sizes and they are perhaps the most versatile of all cooking utensils. A spoon is a very old tool and it is shaped like the cup of your hand. There is something effortless and comforting about using it.
Many people consider soups and stews, curries and pottage to be peasant food because the ingredients are often humble. But I find that it takes some finesse to get just the right balance so that everything marries well and all the tones of the meal are detected in every bite.
Food with a spoon is also an excellent opportunity for eating bread - any sort and all sorts of bread - even spoon bread.
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