
I set out to write a cookbook, on paper. I wanted to become part of the society of recipe sharers. I thought the best way to do this was to gather my recipes, organize the content in some useful categories, make an index, add some pictures and hopefully publish it. I began to create a critical mass of content with recipes from my wooden card box and from the tens of tiny scraps of paper jammed inside other people's books. But the more I worked on the project, the less interesting it became to me. Something was missing. Sure I wanted to write a cookbook but I also wanted the recipes to be situated, to naturally develop out of the context in which they were developed. More like the prize (or surprise) at the end of a story.
So I just started to cook and write down everything I did, including all the thoughts that led up to the moments the food was made, eaten and discussed. I mined my old notes about dinner parties and celebrations and began to fill out the backstories. These backstories led me to the conclusion that these recipes are best discovered in a more intuitive and organic (pun intended) manner. So I have given up on paper for the time being and have chosen new categories that bear no resemblance to the old USDA food pyramid or any established phylum alimentum.
Some Important Things To Note
The recipes are written using American standards - cups, quarts, ounces, etc. To the best of my ability I have converted these values to grams, liters and so on. You may need to play with these since the conversion is never exact and many things such as latitude, elevation and humidity can affect the outcome.
The oven temperatures are Fahrenheit and then converted to degrees Celsius.
A printable version (without images from the blog post) of the recipe is available for download at the bottom of the each post there should be a PDF file with a Please let me know if there are issues - wrong content, missing, layout, etc.